Jul 112012

Interessante Deloitte-Debatte zum Thema “Führungskräfte und Social Media”: http://www.deloitte.com/

Social business may be ready for the enterprise, but are enterprise leaders ready for social business?

Deloitte and MIT Sloan Management Review surveyed more than 3,400 enterprise leaders and managers around the globe to learn whether social networking and software are transforming their businesses. We found that many respondents use social technologies to better understand and connect with their customers. Others use social business tools to push employee interests, ideas and knowledge across the enterprise.

While 52 percent of the survey respondents said social business is at least somewhat important to their enterprises today, many leaders of organizations have not joined the trend. Are they wise to hold back? Or should they get started now?


Jun 222012

Diese interessante, internationale und branchenübergreifende Studie ist in Kooperation von MIT Sloan Management Review und Deloitte entstanden.  Es haben sich mehr als 3000 Personen beteiligt. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit verschiedenen ergänzenden Interview-Auszügen (z.B. mit SAP, McDonald’s oder Yammer) angereichert. Dies sind die Hauptthemen der Studie:

-  The growing importance of social business

- Who values social business today may surprise you

- Where’s the business value? (not just in Marketing)

- Connecting leadership and culture

- Putting social business into action

Die Studie kann unter diesem Link kostenlos angefordert werden:   http://sloanreview.mit.edu/feature/social-business-value/

Mai 092012

Wir interessieren uns u.a. für die Gestaltung einer “lernförderlichen Rolle von Führungskräften” (http://www.scil.ch/index.php?id=458). In diesem Kontext sind die Ergebnisse der neu veröffentlichten Studie von CIPD interessant:

“Overall, employees are most likely to feel that their managers are always/usually committed to their organisation (74%) and treat them fairly (71%). On the other hand, employees are least likely to say that their manager always/usually coaches them on the job (29%), discusses their training and development needs (41%) or gives them feedback on how they are performing (45%)”.  (CIPD Studie: Employee Outlook, Spring 2012)

Den kostenlosen Kurz-Bericht mit weiteren Themen, wie z.B. “Job satisfaction”, “Pressure at work” oder “Work-life Balance”, finden Sie hier: http://www.cipd.co.uk/hr-resources/survey-reports/employee-outlook-spring-2012.aspx